"With the golden age of computer people started to disappear. Only a few in the beginning but increasingly more and more. Nobody knew what happend to them. But now they are back! Risen from their dark basements they came to format all. It's the night of the living geek."
A shocking horror-comedy you would die for to watch.
Directed & Produced by Jakob Eirich
Starring Gerry Kasparow, William Gates & Albert Onestone.
Another big challenge on CgSociety.org came to an end a few days ago and I couldn't resist to participate. The theme was "B-Movie" and again many high class artists joined in and brought us a very broad range of ideas and style. I reckon the results will be announced end of april after the deadline of the video part of the challenge. I'm very curious about that, but the fun part for me is over anyways. :)